Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Killin' Time

So.. tomorrow is the first day of school! Yippee! Today we met the teacher and liked her. Avalyn's class is a "big girl class" no more pretty blocks and counting bears.. it's the real deal here. She is so excited and sound asleep ! YAY for sleeping children!

On a more somber note... we were to return the kindergarten gerbil, Rosie tomorrow and I needed to get her cage cleaned today. Meanwhile Jon and I had noticed she hasn't been running the wheel every morning as usual... YUP, you guessed it. Rosie (probably out of fear of returning to the kindergarten class) passed away sometime in the last two days. SO how does that work? Do I need to replace her? Do you think they'd take a wiener dog as her fill in? Anyway... let us take a moment of silence in honor of dearly beloved Rosie the Gerbil.

OKAY.... moving on. I finally had that interview I have been holding my breath for. I spent an hour with the GM of the new hotel and I am sooooo excited and crossing every crossable part on my body. I'll keep you informed but it looks like I won't know anything for a couple weeks.

BTW I have just 3 short weeks left of these 2 classes, then one more 9-week class and HALLELUJAH I am done with this round of my education. Then I only get to look forward to paying for it.. oops!

That's about all the info I have for now. Please say a little wish, prayer, spell or whatever you prefer that this hotel gives me a spot. It's that time... time for me to be doing what it is I do best (next to blogging of course)... and making money doing it.

I learned something new!!! Picture in the middle of the blog wahoo... BTW this is my attempt at arty-fartsy...
Night, night!!

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