Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Latest and Greatest!

First and most exciting is that Avalyn officially learned to swim. She was very excited and also very freaked out. It will certainly be interesting next week!!! She also got to go down the big slide by herself (something reserved for 7 and

Also I wanted to thank everyone again for all your help with the sales of Girl Scout cookies. Avalyn turned in a total order of about 280 and there are still a few coming in. That is excellent for the troop as they desperately need the funds being that this is their first year. Oh and she was almost the top seller but we got a few orders in late, no biggie though she is excited regardless.

As for Piper she has resorted to walking on her knees and may never walk on two feet. Ah... at least that is how it feels some days. She's a stubborn little bugger!

Let's see the dogs are finally all back to normal...that's nice. Jon and I are tooting along as usual, looking forward to going to California this summer, probably the tail end of May to the first weekend in June.

That's about it. Hope everyone out there is doing well! Oh yeah...

Happy Valentines' Day!!! @-->---

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