Monday, November 24, 2008

And Avalyn's News

The latest update is Avalyn's levels (as expected) are back down to trace, not surprisingly as this roller coaster never seems to end. I am going to put my money down that in two weeks they are back up...let's see.
Oh and the (obviously not aware of the situation) nurse informed me, "trace is normal, she could be wiping too hard." LMSBO (laughing my skinny butt off)! I gently told her this has been going on since September, I highly doubt it's because she is wiping too hard. (Not to mention the freak illness that accompanied the bad urine tests.) Oh well.. we can't all be good at words..= )

So again... 2 weeks is the next test. Meanwhile make sure to read below for Piper's birthday updates and check out the goonie pic of the whole family and make sure to have a ...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Piper's 1st Birthday

So she is officially one years old. (can I get an ahhh...?)

She enjoyed the festivities and cupcakes. She was full of loves and giggles for everyone that came.

Today was her one year check up at the pediatricians and yikes... five shots is torture. Not to mention she was over-tired so already screaming at everyone. Sometimes I agree that these vaccinations are excessive. But as for good news- she is 29 1/2 inches and 19 pounds, 3 ounces- so they are not concerned about her weight anymore (last time she was only in the 5th percentile for weight, she's 25th now). And development is all as it should be except I am supposed to let her color with crayons more...HAHAHAHHA!

Tomorrow is her one year portraits, so stay tuned for some adorable pictures...


~A Bunch of Goof Balls~ 11-22-2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here we go again...

The picture is to show off Avalyn's sewing skills.. calling all sweat shops.. cute little 6 year old available for work NOW....= )

Soooooo...We should be used to this by now huh?

Today was Avalyn's urine test and yes the blood and protein levels are back up AGAIN. Last week there was zero protein and only a minimal amount of blood, this week both levels were "moderate." She still seems ok other than a trace of the stomach flu and a sudden super emo-ness (she cried over a dead ladybug, tears and all). We assume this is just what her body is going to do but we are back to weekly tests.. so we'll see you next Tuesday again.

Meanwhile... Piper said 2 new things today. She said "get it" and "ducky." She was repeating me and I was pretty excited. She hasn't really said anything new since daddy and that was a couple months ago... still no sign of walking but she may have realized that she could stand if she wanted to, problem is she really doesn't want to. I probably won't have a chance to blog between now and Friday so here is my official...

Happy First Birthday Piper! We Love You!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's November Already!!!

Piper says Hello Everybody...

Yes, it is true. November is upon us. In the Simard house that means Piper is turning one soon and Dawn (me) is turning 29 (no really, I am still younger than all of you). There is still no sign of walking on the Piper front but she has become as daddy refers to her a -"chuckle head." She is so giggly it is so much fun. She loves to get into things, kitchen cupboards and fridgerator magnets are her favorite.

Avalyn is also doing a little better. She tested borderline for mono so they believe that was playing a big part in hindering those darn kidneys. Last week she had no protein in her urine and just a small amount of blood. With that in mind we are going to wait an extra week before testing her again as it does not do any good to constantly test her when her results are always the same. She had a wonderful birthday party, lots of good friends there and she was very happy with all her gifts. Uncle Robert and Auntie Drea got her a jewelry box and a bracelet with her name on it which she took to school for show and tell this past Wednesday.

On a different note.. how about our next President? Jon and I are happy we finally won an election and are pleasantly waiting for Bush's departure. I even worked (lol.. for one hour) the campaign on Election Day. I had a great time being in the hustle-bustle of the die-hards.
Aside from that all is the same. We are bracing for winter and I am crossing my fingers it is a mild one. I am ready for spring again already...